I’m Dreaming of a “Green” Christmas!
I'm dreaming of a “Green” Christmas!
A user-friendly guide to organizing an eco-friendly Christmas.
So, you've taken steps to reduce the impact your lifestyle has on the environment; you wash your clothes at 30 degrees, you walk on short journeys, you carry re-usable bags, you've changed your light bulbs to energy saving ones, and perhaps you have even had an eco-friendly party using products from Little Cherry!
But what about an eco-friendly Christmas ? Traditionally a time of over indulgence in every way, it's obvious why we would get wrapped up in the excitement and relax our habits towards being friendly to our planet… but this year why not try to organise a green Christmas.
It is estimated that we make a massive 3 million tones of rubbish over the festive period, and sadly much of this ends up dumped in landfill rather than recycled. Did you know that approximately 1 billion Christmas cards could end up in the bin this year?
So follow our eco-friendly Christmas tips and choose to make it a Green Christmas in 2007!
Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree