Year: 2010

Children’s Party Bags

Childrens party bags are normally expected at the end of your childs party, but they don't have to blow your party budget or be filled with plastic breakable toys. The tendency to start with a…

The Best Birthday Party Supplies

Throwing a fantastic birthday party doesn't have to be a daunting or nerve racking experience... the secret to planning a good birthday party is simply down to your planning and preparation.

Families Southwest – June 2010

Party bag gifts are always a bit of a dilemma; do you go for the popular plastic junk and sweets option or something a little more environmentally friendly?

Radio Wey - May 2010

Radio Wey – May 2010

Founder of, Lucy brindley was recently interviewed on the highly popular community Radio Station, Radio Wey.

Easy Wildlife Homes to Make in an Afternoon

Easy Wildlife Homes to Make in an Afternoon

For eco-friendly kids there's not much to beat watching wildlife outside your own back door and with habitat loss and changes in the countryside meaning that an increasing number of native British animals are visiting…

Your Eco-Code

Get everyone in your family on the eco-straight and narrow by drawing up your own Eco Code! What is an Eco Code...

Composting with Kids!

Gardening and kids are a natural mix. Think about it: Sun, dirt, digging, water. It's an easy recipe for outdoor fun for both adults and kids, with gorgeous results to show for it.



For a great birthday party activity with an environmental twist, why not get the kids into the garden and plant a tree?!

Magical Eco-Friendly Birthday Parties by Hijinx

A great eco-friendly birthday party plan lets you minimize your environmental impact without sacrificing the fun.   We asked birthday party expert and New York City magician Hijinx for the secret to hosting an environmentally conscious...