Throw an Eco-Friendly School Fete

That is why it is important to educate younger generations on the benefits of being green, and encourage them to make eco-friendly choices as a matter of course. Not everything can be taught in the classroom though, and behavioural changes are often best achieved through action and practice.
When it comes to being green in schools, leading by example is actually a rather easy approach. You can implement green policies and practices as part of everyday school life, with recycling bins, energy-efficient lights and equipment, and a school-wide effort to be environmentally-conscientious.
You can also show the fun side of being planet-friendly by turning eco-friendly ideas into actions and leading by example at school events like discos, fetes, and end-of-term class parties. Incorporating green alternatives, such as our disposable party plates made from sustainable materials, is straightforward enough, as is involving the students in the planning process where they can learn about the array of eco-friendly options out there.
To see three ways you can go green at the next school fete or class event, read on.
Dress Up
What is a party without decorations? You need to set the scene with all the right decorations, and with our array of eco-friendly trimmings, like streamers, bunting, and biodegradable balloons, you will be able to keep any theme green.
Chow Down
Little hands and young tums need snacks to hand, especially when they are busy enjoying themselves. You can set up a buffet with healthy and tasty treats laid out on disposable plates and platters from our ranges, or you can buy a catering pack of tableware to keep sit-down meals quick, easy, and washing-up-free.
As much fun as youngsters will have eating sandwiches on plates made from palm leaves, and bopping balloons that can biodegrade, the best way to keep their green experience at the forefront of their mind is to give them eco-friendly keepsakes. Check out our children’s party bag fillers to see what you can give students as a memento.
Of course, these three ideas are just a few of the ways you can have fun going green at school socials. You can use them as inspiration, along with blogs and online ideas boards, or you can hold a class meeting and ask the students what green ideas they have for their fete or party.
Involving them at each stage and giving their opinions a voice will help to peak their interest and keep them enthused about an eco-friendly lifestyle.
So start here and check out what decorations and disposable tableware we offer, then try coming up with some planet-friendly party ideas of your own!