Little Cherry: The Green Gadget Guru

The twenty-first century is a busy one, full of state-of-the-art technology and clever innovations to embrace and adore. Of course, there are lots of highly evolved devices and software programmes, from the do-it-all smartphone to remote and app-controlled, integrated home automation.
As well as these space-age examples, there is a whole host of green and eco-friendly innovations out there. In this increasingly environmentally-conscious world, we have used technology to both improve lifestyles and help the environment. Energy-efficient everything, hybrid and electric cars, and all manner of gizmos made from or with recyclable materials are just the tip of the big green iceberg.
Now, grasping all of this technology is one thing, but keeping a hold of it is quite another. How many times have you misplaced your smartphone, tangled your wires or found your electronic essentials scattered around the house or lost forever “somewhere safe”?
How about making the most of attachments and accessories? At times, you might find yourself in need of various tech accessories that you just don’t have to hand. There is nothing more frustrating than having to listen to a tinny voice message with four other people crowded around your phone.
Luckily, can solve all of these problems. Whilst not all of our suggestions are long-term solutions, they will certainly work well for a while. Some of our ideas are more decorative than practical, and others are just clever DIY quick fixes. However, all of them manage to marry together simple planet-friendly pieces with cutting-edge 21st-century gear.
So allow us to be your Green Gadget Guru and check out our tech tips below.
Use a coconut shell for a speaker
Mobile phone speakers are not overly effective, especially if more than one person is listening. Amplify the sound by popping your phone, speakers down, into one of our coconut shells. The shape and material are great for acoustics and will help transmit a clearer sound.
Bamboo tableware makes for great tech storage
Headphones, chargers, styluses and who knows what else; they get everywhere, and that usually means they get lost easily. You want everything to hand, but you also want specific storage spaces, so things aren’t just lying around. Of course, you can’t just lock all of your tech in a box or a drawer, so you have to compromise. Our bamboo tableware is a great solution, whether you need a bowl for USB sticks, a three-section tray for everyone’s phones or an all-rounder plate.
Cotton bags are great for storing device accessories
Wires are a whole new level when it comes to mess and frustration. Knotted, curled, broken; they get stuck under chair legs, tangled up with each other and become a general nuisance. If you pop them in a bowl or box, they stick out at random angles. However, if you put them in one of our cotton bags, they will not only stay tidy (with the bags stacked neatly in a box), but they will also travel far easier.
Store SD cards in a compostable deli pot
Generally speaking, memory cards are either incredibly important or incredibly precious. Unfortunately, they are also incredibly small. This means you are likely to lose them when you put them somewhere for safe-keeping, or even if you just pop them down for a minute. Enter: our compostable deli pots. They are just the right size for a few memory cards, they have lids for added security and they are transparent so you can see them easily.
Clean your devices with disposable wooden cutlery
Last but not least, clean tech is good tech. Imagine how much your phone goes through in a week. The dirt, grime and bacteria build-up can be significant, so you need to make regular cleaning a priority. There are various wipes, as well as rubbing alcohol that you can use. To get in all the nooks and crannies though, you can use wooden disposable tableware like toothpicks and skewers. Dirt will always build up in the crevices, and though a tedious job, scratching it out is important. Plus, because our picks and skewers are eco-friendly, you don’t have to feel guilty about going through them on a regular basis.
Of course, depending on your technology and your needs, how and what you use will differ. For the most part though, our green products offer a versatile, cost-efficient and eco-friendly option when it comes to gadget use and storage.
So browse our site to see what other helpful items we have in stock, and get creative with your gadgets. Our party ware is truly multipurpose, so whether you need designated storage spots, or you want to make organisation look and feel good, we can help.