Eco-Friendly Invitations and e-cards

Environmentally friendly invitations and e-cards
Whether you’re organising your next party or event, planning your wedding or just want to say thank you, e-cards are the perfect choice!
No carbon footprint to worry about and an easy way to keep your loved ones in the loop (not to mention they can’t lose the invite!)
We love to find other like-minded companies to deal with and Katie’s Cards have a beautiful range of vintage-inspired wedding ‘Save the Date’ e-cards that would be perfect if you’re looking at our wedding favours for your special day.
If you think about the amount we spend in a year on cards, party invitations and thank you cards, Katie’s cards 12 month membership for £7.50 is very welcome! Especially to send an unlimited amount of cards!
Katie’s cards have fantastic options for children’s parties, from the interactive cake-munchers game to the very popular Jungle Jingle ecard
For those savvy business people out there, Katie’s cards also offers a corporate ecard service, which allows businesses of all sizes to lessen their impact on the environment in a cost-effective way by sending their greetings to employees and customers electronically in the form of a bespoke ecard.
If you’re as keen as we are on keeping it green, visit