An Eco-Education for Kids

So, we have written this blog post to share five great eco-education tips for your kids. Read on for more.
Start Small:
Making little changes gradually will help good, green practices become lifelong habits. Encourage the whole household, adults included, to make small behavioural changes like switching things off instead of leaving them on standby. Other small changes you can get the children to make are things like recycling milk bottles, juice cartons and cereal boxes, as well as scrap paper leftover from arty projects and homework. Everyone in the house can get used to small routine changes too, like turning lights off when they leave the room.
Instant Gratification:
Saving the planet is a long-term thing, no doubt. But young children and teenagers tend to need results straight away, so they know their efforts are being rewarded. In fact, rewards given for their efforts can work as a source of motivation, especially for younger children who don’t really understand the impact of their eco-friendly actions. An extra hour of TV, a new gadget for older kids or a chart that displays gold star stickers earned by little ones will work a treat.
Lead by Example:
Children and, would you believe, teens see the adults in their life as role models, and they will follow your lead. That is why leading by example is a far more effective way of convincing youngsters to do something, because any instructions tend to be met with defiance. Instead of telling them what to do, show them. They will see it as something to aspire to, and you will be setting a good example, day in and day out.
Green is not a Gimmick:
Being green is not a gimmick; it is a way of life. Everything about your daily routine will play to your green ethos; even the packaging-to-product ratio will influence the groceries you buy. As well as the everyday eco-friendliness though, you will want to work green practices into all of life’s little moments and big occasions.
That is why everything here at Little Cherry, from our biodegradable balloons to our palm leaf plates and more, is 100% environmentally friendly. So whether you’re having a picnic at the beach, shopping for gifts or planning a party, being green can stay at the heart of the occasion.
Pay It Forward:
Being green and saving the planet is a noble task in itself, and even the smallest green act can make a big difference over time. There are so many other ways to make the world a better place though. As well as spreading the word to other children and their families, your youngster(s) can get involved in other good causes that promote sustainability and taking responsibility. Even something as simple as buying Fair Trade sweets with their pocket money, or litter picking at the local park are great ways to pay it forward.
These are just five ways you can provide your youngsters with a practical eco-education at home. Being creative, practical and consistent is the key to keeping up with green habits, so start the habit changes young to ensure a long-term green lifestyle.