3 Fun Things You Can Do With Recycled Party Bags
If there is one thing people are always on the lookout for these days, it’s the multipurpose item. One object that can do a multitude of jobs is seen as both a useful tool and a good investment. Just think how much hassle it would be to have a different item or piece of equipment for every single job. For example, imagine needing separate computers for emails, internet browsing and typing – that would be a waste of time, money and effort. This is why most people prefer to use multipurpose items that can adapt as and when.
It’s not just technology and equipment that can be multipurpose though; part of what makes reusing, recycling and upcycling so popular and practical is the fact that many items have more than one use. Sometimes these other uses are obvious and sometimes they need a little bit of creativity, but they all make it easier to be planet and pocket friendly. Take party bags for example. The humble recycled party bag is an incredibly useful tool for both practical and creative reasons. Below are three fun things you can do with recycled party bags.
You can never have enough storage around the home and if you are looking for an easy storage solution that still looks charming, why not try incorporating colour coordinated paper party bags into your décor? For example, when hanging your jackets and coats up you may be in need of somewhere to store each jacket’s matching gloves, scarves or hats. Well, say you have a pink jacket and a matching cream and pink scarf; try popping a pink bag on the same hanger as the coat and keep the scarf inside. That way you have the whole ensemble together and tidy all the time.
2.Charity Pack
We all like to do our little bit to help others and sometimes it’s nice to add a more personal touch to our aid than just sending money facelessly. This is where donations and charity packs come in. By bulk buying some planet friendly party bags you can make your own food packs and drop them off at a local food bank or somewhere similar. If you’re an animal lover you could pack up some nice dog or cat food, treats and toys to drop off at the animal shelter.
Alternatively, if your prefer to help children in education then why not gather pens, pencils and other school paraphernalia to put in the bags and drop off anonymously at a school in need? However you choose to go about it, adding the personal touch of a hand packed and well-presented charity bag will make all the difference to those receiving the gift.
3.Crafty Project
For a quick and easy craft project you could always keep the party bags for their original purpose but give them a little twist with hand decoration. By having the kids (and the grown-ups) involved in decorating the bags with different pens, paints and embellishments you could keep a stock of completely unique gift bags, ready for any last minute occasions.
Try and decorate a selection for each theme (Christmas, Easter, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and new babies) as well as a few generically decorated bags. Alternatively you could use the party bags as gifts themselves. Why not try your hand at a party bag posy which will need nothing more than a coloured bag and a small flower arrangement. These party bag posies can be handed out as gifts, used as folksy floral centrepieces or handed out as pretty carry-home party favours.
These are just three of the fun things you can do with recycled party bags. Of course, you will probably have a hundred and one ideas of your own so be sure to share those ideas with us and gather inspiration before you head over to our party bag page where you will be spoilt for choice! Once you have chosen what gorgeous colours you want to get your recycled party bags in, all you need to do is get creative and crafty so you can have lots of pocket and planet friendly fun!